Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sarah gets a wedding proposal

Sarah gets a wedding proposal

Ran across this via facebook "moments"  Its from April 2012 (Sarah was 10)

Last night I took Sarah to her Schools Open house....

Sarah: "That boy over there wants to MARRY me!"

Me:  "Is there a paper bag anywhere I can breathe in?"

Sarah: "Oh DADDY!"

Me: "You do remember my rule that you can't get married till you are 45...Right?"

Sarah: "HE wants to marry me.  I don't want to marry HIM!"

Me: "OH ok... <feeling better> ummm why not??"

Sarah: "Wellllll he's not very confident.... He hesitates when he talks."

Me: "Really?  SO that's it huh!"

Sarah: "He also puts his hand down inside the back of his pants. picks his nose and eats it, SOooo ya not really my type"

Me:  "I should think those things would have been FIRST on your list"

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Rockford "TheVizsla Files"

 Rockford "TheVizsla Files"

It's hard to imagine Rockford as small as he is in these pictures.  He is grown up now.

Rockford is a VIZSLA not an easy thing to remember how to spell.  The Vizsla is often described as the "Velcro Vizsla." Most dogs are affectionate, but this medium-size hunting dog is ESPECIALLY attached to his people.
Rockford with his brothers and sister
Rockford was born with a broken tail defect.  The breeder docked his tail and gave us $500 off so we would sign off that we will never breed him.  We had no intention on doing that. 

Rockford is pure bred. This was important to us because of the Vizsla Characteristics. 
We wanted to have the best chance at having the BEST dog in the world.  I had done much research to make sure he would be super compatible with our family.   I can be quite picky.
"His velcro nature has to do with his past: the Vizsla was developed in Hungary to be both a pointer and retriever who would work close to the hunter, never ranging too far away. That trait is still seen in today's Vizsla, who prefers to be leaning against your leg or serving as a foot warmer. If having a dog shadow you all day would annoy you, choose a different breed."

Rocky "velcro-ing" with Melissa
Eileen had always wanted a dog and I honestly never did.  The girls were at an age where a dog would be a great thing for them.     On both of these accounts, it was important to me that whichever dog we get that it would be smart, loyal, and incredibly loving.   Check, Check, and CHECK!

Rockford Running!
I wanted a dog that I could run with.    Can you run with a Vizsla?  umm YES!  They can run better (longer, not faster) than a greyhound!     Awesome distance runners they can run 10 miles with you and then when you are "pooped" and need to take a nap, they can run around the backyard all afternoon.  

Rockford does love to run around the backyard.  but nothing he does is aimless.   When he is outside, he is "Hunting".   He has created about 7 observation post areas, that he runs to in a pattern.   Once there he will stay still analyzing all that he can see.   then suddenly jumps around 180 degrees to make sure nothing is sneaking up from behind.    Then on to the next post.    Over and over for hours he does this.  it makes him REALLY happy to do his "job"      He is mainly on watch for Angry birds.  And IF you are a bird  watch out!  cause he is much faster than you apparently give him credit for. 
He has taken out at least 7 that we are aware of.  

Rockford on patrol/watch in the backyard
 I'm not a fan of shedding hair.
Viszla's have very short hair and while they do shed a lil bit, it's not really noticeable.  
  I don't like "The doggie smell"    These dogs do not smell!!  
  They are very clean, they clean themselves like a cat!  

Rockford and his best friend  Dante the cat.
We do/have two cats so I was hoping for a dog that would look to get along with the cats.  And he DOES!  well one of them anyway.   Our cat Dante is his best friend.  They hang together, play and groom each other.  it's super cute.  

  Once Dante's REAL brother (Dallas on left in pic below)  picked a fight with Dante. 
One little issue with that...  Dante's big buddy Rockford.   OMG Rockford was in his crate when this cat fight went down and flung himself against the door to his crate again and again trying to get after Dallas to protect his best friend.   Lots of barking and heated tempers that night.     Rockford has NEVER forgotten this.  Likely he never will.    
Anytime there is even a hint of an issue, Rockford chases Dallas down/away to make sure his lil buddy is safe.    I can only imagine what would happen if someone broke into our house.   As gentle of a spirit that Rockford is, he can be intimidating. 
He is also very brave.  I could see this when he was a puppy at the dog park.  

Rockford warning me about all of the dangers in his forest!
Rockford aims to please  It's his goal in life.  He is very kind.  Never want to raise your voice with him as he is all about the positives.  a total sweetheart.  
Rockford is a very social boy and will always look to be friendly, polite and playful sending a message to all that above all else he means well. 

Rockford's first day at the dog park.

   His good looks and great personality has not gone unnoticed by the ladies.   But you should know Rockford DOES have a girlfriend (Bailey) so even though he does not get to see her much, he is in love and very much taken.
Rocky and his girl Bailey!

Random Vizsla with Random Hunter
I remember a little convo with the Breeder it was the day we took him home. (Top picture)

Not a fan of hunting. Its possible that its a necessary thing. I am not a vegan but I could never hunt. Its kinda funny that I have a pure bred hunting dog.

Breeder: "Soo the first time you take him hunting... "
Me: um that is not going to happen
Breeders: "Well its a good idea in case you decide to later"
Me: I dont even have a gun ok??
 Breeder: "You might?"
Me: I won't! 
Breeder: "Why the hell do you want this dog then?"
Me: We were meant to be together!

So there you have it.   I'm telling you.   You only get to have a few dogs in your lifetime.   It's a rare thing when you find the perfect match.    I did! 

Get yourself a Vizsla!   You won't regret it.

Woof!  :-P