Friday, August 14, 2015

"Oh ya I'm an Ironman"

Some days I'm just really tired for no apparent reason.  No worries, this is not anything new or whatever. It just happens...

Today training was just a 2 mile easy run. Let me tell you I was SLUGGISH!! It was the kind of run where I'm like ugh I'm so tired, can I do this? Then I remember "Oh ya I'm an Ironman!"

WAY back in 2011 I did Ironman Wisconsin. yup 2.4 mile swim, 112 miles on the bike and then ran a freaking marathon. Before actually doing it, it was all about proving something to myself. I should have thought about what would happen if I DID do it.

See it kinda mocks me whenever I think I'm tired and I start making excuses... DUDE you did IRONMAN!!!! WTF!

I'm Freaking tired!! Can't run 2 miles? DUDE WTF!

Can't wake up? ummm DUDE you woke up and then did....

You get the picture.

Same thing happens around the house. Even if I forget, Eileen won't let me.

Cut the Grass?
"Eileen! I'm tired ok?"
"Dude you did Ironman"

It could be worse, I could have also got an Ironman Tattoo.
Then strangers would give me SH*T too!
You know like when the girls are clothes shopping, and somehow I'm roped into going. OMG I'm so TIIIIRRREEEED Maybe if I can sit down in that chair over there. Wake up!!!! What's wrong with you?!!!

Stranger: Dude! You are SNORING! Me:
Me: Well I'm just so tired.
Stranger: Is that an M dot tattoo on your calf?
Me: Arrggghhhhhhhhhh

So what nags at YOU to keep YOU going? let it nag you and drive you. ‪#‎Getitdone‬!

(Not my calf  also not my tattoo!  I don't have one)

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